Community Projects
Children are our history makers.
We want our children to know that they can make unique and valuable contributions to their community – even while they are young. Your actions have an impact on those around you.
Our elders are our memory keepers.
We also want our elders among us to feel valued, respected, and connected. You have a place of honour in our community. We want to learn from your experiences.
Learn Fort Langley projects are open to everyone, everywhere. Documents will be preserved and curated in consultation with the Royal BC Museum and the Langley Centennial Museum.
Share your family’s experiences of this historic event!
Like the Great Depression, Word Wars 1& 2, and 9/11, school children of the future will be told the historic tales of the Global Pandemic of 2020.
Be part of preserving these events for future generations!
Send us your letters, drawings, poems, songs, photographs, artwork, anything – to be curated into a community exhibit when the time is right.
Memory Keeper Interviews
Our community is filled with Memory Keepers. People who have lived full lives and have a multitude of stories we can learn from.
Children, interview the Memory Keepers in your life.
What history making events have they lived through?
What words of wisdom do they have for the next generation of history makers?
Send us your interview write ups, videos, or pictures. Every story is a piece of the history of our communities.
Cards for Memory Keepers
The oldest Memory Keepers in our community are particularly affected by the social distancing measures in place as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Learn Fort Langley has partnered with local organizations to identify residents who need a little extra kindness and connection at this time.
Make cards, draw pictures, create artwork and send them to us to be distributed to residents at the Fort Langley Seniors Community and others throughout Langley.
So much learning and connecting can happen in the kitchen!
The shortage of yeast, flour, and sugar seems to indicate that Covid-19 is providing many people with the gift of extra time to spend in the kitchen.
Along with trying out new recipes, many families enjoy the faithful family recipes that have been past down through the years.
Share your family’s favourite recipes, new or old, to be compiled into a Community Cookbook.
Send us your projects
Your Story Matters!
Lee’s Market
23320 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley
(Dropbox near Checkouts)
Learn Fort Langley
#204 – 21183 88 Ave
Langley, BC
V1M 2G5